Success Guarantee Challenge

IITJEE – A Challenge or Success Guarantee Challenge
Can success in IITJEE be guaranteed. No, Obviously not. Then what is FIITJEE’s Success Guarantee Challenge?

Almost 15 lakh aspirants appear for IITJEE every year, only 25,000 students make it to the list and only some 10,000 get a seat!! What a tough competition. Isn’t it?

1 out of 150 aspirants will finally get a seat in IIT. That’s just 0.67 %. Do these figures scare you? Have you decided not to pursue your dream just because it sound tough. Or you are pursuing it in dark without any guarantee of success. If yes here is an important read. Reading this can change your destiny of becoming an engineer from an IIT is your dream. Even we can’t guarantee success but we are so confident that if you follow our training methodology, attend all our classes (barring a few when you are sick or something) and complete your homework sincerely and in time, you’ll make it to main merit list of IITJEE for sure. It is our confidence that makes us say that if you don’t we’ll give you a compensation of Rs. 5 lakh.  

IITJEE is a different exam. Not difficult as such. There are certain things which makes it different. First is that in a single 3 hour paper you have to answer questions from 3 subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. Unlike traditional exams where you attempt a paper from only one subject here the game is different. Second is that it is almost certain that every question in IITJEE will be new. You read it right. Whatever number of questions you do as practice, they are not going to come in IITJEE. So obviously how hard you work and whatever number of questions you practice, there will always be an uncertainty whether you can crack those new questions or not. There are intelligent students those who can plan and monitor their studies and definitely do better but what about the others. Let us help you in understanding this by letting you know some case studies of students who don’t make it to IIT.  

  1. We welcome you to do it yourself but if you ask those who failed in IITJEE will tell you that majority of times when teacher was discussing doubts in the class they had not attempted those question. As a result, those questions remained just demonstrations for them and the learning which was supposed to happen did not happen.
  2. Not all but majority of students fail to organize their work. If a teacher or parent can help them plan, even they can do wonders. In majority cases teachers can’t do this hand holding as their priority remains making the concepts clear to students, clearing their doubts etc. So obviously the students who can plan and execute, gets the maximum benefit and make it to IIT. Others fail not because of their incompetence but their inability to plan and ignorance.

So how does FIITJEE’s training methodology - Cult Metamorphosis ensure a fool proof way to secure a rank in IITJEE?

Step 1 (Learn) – Learning plays the same role as played by soul in a body and soul combination. Here in FIITJEE we teach students in small batches of 40-50 students. Teacher’s sole attention remains on making subject matter interesting and delivering in as simple as possible ways. This results in students enjoying the studies as they will be learning things instead of memorizing them. They are allowed to ask questions even the silly ones, make their own imaginations, think, question and have the clarity of concept. This is once again to highlight here that it is almost certain that all the questions in IITJEE will be new ones which a student has never solved before. It is this learning and conceptual clarity that will make him / her answer the new question in IITJEE.
Caution: If for any reason even if it is genuine one a student misses a class, in the next class he/she will not be able to connect and will lose interest. Remedy is that in case for a genuine reason you are forced to miss a class, first interact with any of your classmate, try to gather as much as possible and then request an available teacher to cover it up. Remember the loss of a missed class can’t be compensated, it can just be minimized. So, you need to be as regular as possible.

Step 2 (Practice) – Practice plays the same role as played by the body in a body and soul combination. Only a body - soul combine makes a human being. Soul without body or body without soul has no meaning. Anything learned if not practiced will be lost soon. For IITJEE this practice is crucial because if you remain weak in one concept, you’ll fail in all multi concept questions involving that concept. Let us look at some of the basic challenges students face in this crucial aspect of IITJEE Training.
  1. After solving a question, they don’t know if it is right or wrong.
  2. Students fail to keep an account of what is done and what is pending.
  3. When they want to revise, they don’t know what is to be revised and what not.
  4. Majority of students needs hand holding in doing the optimum amount of practice and assignments. Teachers can do it only at a broad level and parents fail to do it as they don’t know much how the child is progressing.

We have solved these issues by developing a smart notebook. This notebook is in the form of a Tab and all the assignments are loaded in this Tab. Whenever a student does an assignment, she/he will get an analysis of what is right and what is wrong immediately. Problem No. 1 is addressed. The smart notebook shows both attempt and correctness in nice graphical ways and Problem Nos. 2 and 3 are also solved.  As both teacher and parent are able to see exact status of the student, they are able to provide much needed love, care and support by a good hand holding.

So isn’t it so simple now. Just attend your classes, enjoy them, complete your homework in time and you are in IIT. We know very clearly that your dreams are much more important than 5 Lakh, but we’ll give you this compensation in following conditions.
  1. You Join our 2 Year/3 Year or 4 Year Classroom or Integrated Program and sign a Guarantee contract with us.  
  2. Make sure you attend all classes (Barring a few emergency cases like illness etc. up to a max of 5% and with the written permission of Program Coordinator).
  3. Make sure he/she completes all the homework and assignments in time, given by his / her teachers and head teachers which in general can be solved by an average student in 4-5 hours / day on an average (including holidays). The assignments include a printed study material with practice problems, Archive of last 25 years of questions from JEE Advanced and Main and 6 graded assignments (Board Beginner and Scholar, JEE Main Beginner and Scholar and JEE Advanced Beginner and Scholar)
  4. Parents have to come for a Quarterly PTM where the status of Homework completion and performance will be briefed by a support teacher. You sign this report every quarter.
  5. Students can request extra support classes if he / she fails to understand a concept but it is expected that student is able to solve at least 50% of the questions discussed in the class / Doubt removing sessions whenever asked on a random basis without any revision or at least 75% with a quick revision.
  6. You don’t have to pay any extra fee to join this challenge.
  7. You can make your ward join anywhere in Tamil Nadu and Kerala centers in our Classroom or Integrated Programs. The challenge is applicable for JEE Main and NEET as well. 
Send Success Guarantee challenge as an SMS to our helpline 880088 4167 for more details


  1. Thanks for this information. JEE Advanced is regarded internationally as one of the most challenging undergraduate admission tests.
    NEET coaching centres in Vellore


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