Top Tips from FIITJEE for Triumphant Success in Board Exams

It is the law of nature that hard work, meticulous planning and scientifically done brain work are always followed by a good result. 

Board Examinations are fast approaching and at times students have not been able to reap the full rewards of their hard efforts because of some very small reasons. We have been observing the same, over the years, and have a few suggestions to make. These suggestions / tips, subtle in nature, if followed, will ensure that you are able to derive maximum benefit, from the efforts which you have put in over the year, in the form of a great and triumphant result.

Organize Your Study Area

If you already haven’t, identify and organize a study area for yourself in your home. A place which has proper light and is also airy. Make sure that you have a comfortable sitting posture. It should, however, not be so comfortable to put you to sleep. Make a clear statement of your goal (in terms of marks) subject wise, put them on paper and display it in the study area. Also display important formulae / key points in the study area which will help you revise at a glance.

 Work on Your Weak Areas

Identify Your Weak Areas (Chapters) by categorizing them as “Confident”, “Confident after Revision” and “Needs lots of Preparation”. Prepare a list of the chapters categorized as “Needs lots of Preparation” and start working on them. Identify the mistakes that you make during the exams which leads to loss of marks. You can use your Answer Scripts of the Pre-Final Exams to do this. Go through them carefully and make a list of all your mistakes. Recall the advises given by your teachers on how to improve your marks. List them down too. Analyse the mistakes and see if there is a pattern. Against all the mistakes write down what you will be doing to avoid it in the Board Exam.

Use Your Time Productively

Prepare a Specific Plan including details about the time, subject, chapter, topic, nature and amount of work to be done for the remaining days leading to the Board Exams. Try to study productively for around 8 hours a day and spend most of this time studying the chapters that “Needs lots of Preparation” so that you become “Confident” in them. STOP Spending time on Social Media, TV, Games, Co-Curricular Activities and all other activities that will not help you achieve your target score.  

Reciting is three times more effective than reading. Recite the topics that you tend to forget. Revise those things everyday so that you increase the chance of it being in your memory for a long time.


Focus is the Key Word for you at this moment. You need to be thorough in the Topics you are strong in such that your answer for any question asked from that topic should fetch you full marks. Do not spend time on unfamiliar topics at the last moment. It will cause unnecessary panic instead of giving Confidence. Do not disperse your efforts on things which will not take you closer to your goal. Dispersion of efforts at this stage will lead only to confusion and anxiety. Talk only with Calm and Confident Friends who share the same goal as yours.

Stick to Board Exam Syllabus

It has been a general observation in the past that the students who have scored high in the Board Exams have stuck to the syllabus and have prepared for the Board Exams only from the books prescribed by the Board like NCERT, Samacheer Kalvi Books etc. These prescribed books are designed in strict accordance to the Board Syllabus and provide all the required information necessary to get a high score in the Board Exams. You might have some reference books which you might be using for the preparation of Competitive Exams, but the books prescribed by the respective boards are the ones most suited for your preparation for the Board Exam.

Solve Previous Years’ Question Papers

Solving Previous Years’ Question Papers is like taking the Board Exams. It will help you identify the difficulty level of the questions and identify the repeating pattern of the questions. Solve these papers as if you are solving them in the actual exam. Take these exams at the same time the actual Board Exams will happen. Once you have finished solving them, check the answers and identify the mistakes that you have committed and start working on them as suggested earlier. Discuss with your teachers, if necessary. Take as many tests of the Previous Year as possible and try to beat your score every time. Also, keep ensuring that you are not committing the same mistake repeatedly. 

Regulate Your Food and Sleeping Habits

You need to regulate your food habits. Only have hygienic home cooked food and to avoid junk food from outside. It will be very unfortunate for you to prepare for your goal sincerely for a whole year and not able to transform them into marks or results due to ill health.

Your sleeping habits also need to be regulated. you should have at least seven hours of peaceful sleep. Do not sleep during the time when your exam is scheduled to be held. For example, if the exam is scheduled for 9am to 12pm, instead of sleeping during this period, study or solve problems as this will tune your biological clock and will ensure that you are able to be at your brightest and sharpest at the time of exam. Practice Breathing Exercises and Stretching Exercises at least 15 – 20 minutes to improve your concentration levels.

On the Eve of an Exam

On the Eve of an Exam, Keep yourself calm. Don’t do anything that will make you anxious. Keep reminding you that you have prepared well and ready to take the exam confidently. Don’t stay awake late into the night; instead go to sleep on time so that your brain cells get refreshed and become ready for the Exam Day. Put a display showing a checklist of things you need to carry for your exam to prevent yourself from forgetting something important at home and to be confident during the exam.

On the Day of an Exam

Get up early and do a quick revision of the important formulae and points. Keep telling yourself that the day is yours, you have prepared well and you will emerge victorious as the end of the exam. Carry all the things in the check list that you have made. Read your Hall Ticket carefully and ensure to follow all the instructions in it. Carry your Hall Ticket without fail. Don’t talk / interact with your friends immediately prior to the exam so that your focus is not lost. Keep yourself calm and mentally prepare yourself for the exam.

During and After the Exam

Keep yourself positive and confident. Once you receive the question paper read the instructions carefully to ensure that you follow it. Read all the questions carefully and with focus and make a strategy to approach the paper. Solve every question with a calm mind. Don't get worried if a question or two appears tough. Keep working on the ones which you are confident in and as you keep answering more and more questions right your confidence level will improve and you should be able to tackle the questions which appeared tough earlier. 

Ensure that your handwriting is neat and consistent throughout the answer script. Make neat diagrams wherever necessary using appropriate tools. Ensure that your answers are neatly presented and important points underlined to help the evaluator understand that you have covered all points needed in that answer. Plan your time properly so that you get adequate time to answer all the sections in the Question Paper.

Use all the time given by cross checking all your answers to ensure that you haven’t done any mistakes. Recall the error list that you have made earlier and ensure that none of them are repeated. Do not start discussing the paper immediately after the exam. This should be done after all your papers end. This is to prevent the negatives from affecting you.


We at FIITJEE have been committed to creating shining success stories. We’ve worked very hard in perfecting this “Science of Success”. Miracles do not happen overnight but are results of perseverance. Each child has boundless energy and potential. You need the guidance and direction to focus your energy towards success. We stand with you at this hour and shall provide you with all possible assistance should you need it.

We Wish You All the Very Best for the Board Exams.


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